A complete fully responsive task organizer with the ability to create, read, update, and delete tasks with user authentications and JWT.
FH Clothing
It is a basic shopping site using React for UI, Redux for managing states, Google Firebase for database, signup and login features.
Image Gallery
Created a responsive image gallery using React JS with the following features: reordering (drag and drop), select & unselect multiple images, and setting a feature image.
A multi-player chess game using HTML, CSS and NodeJS where user can play chess against each other or against computer. It also has a chatting system made with Socket IO.
Brain Tumor Detection
A python project to detect brain tumor from patient's MRI images. Used CNN and LSTM model along with tensorFlow and keras.
Event Tracker
A simple event tracker using React JS with the following features: create, read, update, and delete events and updates.
University Management System
A .Net application written in C# that can use by any educational institute to maintain students, teachers and courses.
ATM Management System
A console application written in C programming language where a valid user can deposit and withdraw money from his/her account.